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Pastor of Muppets

Fianna Fáil are playing an extremely dangerous game with the legacy of the 1916 Rising. They can only claim it as their own in the absence of republican violence in the North, and it's probably no coincidence that it was happened months after the Provos decommissioned their weapons and their desire to used armed struggle as political leverage. But republican violence is still fresh on the minds of many people in Northern Ireland; and many, mostly Unionists at has to be said, see little difference in the means, methods and aims of 1916 and 1969-1997.

This is probably unfair, as it ignores the differing contexts of the times. But in celebrating the Rising as the defining moment of Irish state-building, it bardardises history. Violence is being presented as the only way the Irish could have gained their independence; poor John Redmond's attempts have been soiled once again.


Indeed. On that last point about Redmond there are a few apposite remarks from Paul Bew in the Suday Times article linked above.

Pastor of Muppets

I think Paul has always been spot on with his assessment of nationalism and republicanism during the First World War. But he taught me everything I know, so I better say that!

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