Via the excellent and indispensable New Economist, news of a book published by the London based think tank Open Europe. The book, called Beyond the European Social Model, is available chapter by chapter or in its entirety and it takes a critical view of the European Social Model - it argues that "the high-tax and highly regulated 'social model' is not working, and that the time has come for the EU and its member states to take a different approach." The authors are highly critical of the Nordic model but are great admirers of the Irish economy, what they dub "the efficient alternative". There's a chapter by Business and Finance editor Constantin Gurdgiev called "Will the European Social Model wreck the Irish Miracle?". I touched on some of these issues in a post at the end of last year and will doubtless return to the topic after I digest the contents of the book.
Read the bit about Ireland and partnership very interest
Posted by: simon | April 06, 2006 at 09:58 PM